Teton County contracted with Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) to potentially build a road crossing through sensitive Jackson Hole open space. The project website, tribaltrailconnector.com, focuses only on numerous assumptions of unproven need and questionable benefits of a new road without emphasizing any negative impacts to safety, wildlife, environment, economy or its scenic/cultural value.
Teton County’s own studies show that this road would induce more traffic on our roads and dump even more vehicles onto the already choked WY-22 between Jackson and Wilson. This proposed new road would only exacerbate traffic congestion with a new intersection.
Many citizens in the community think that this proposed road is a “done deal.” To the contrary, the contract with WYDOT states that Teton County Commissioners can pull the plug at anytime even though the project schedule downplays this opportunity and fails to reinforce that a “no build” alternative may be chosen.
Please continue to communicate your views with your county commissioners while cc’ing your comments to the project consultant: