Public Transit
Financial investment should be made to expand and improve transit service on existing bus routes and between the Town of Jackson and Wilson/Teton Village, Jackson and Victor and Driggs, ID, Jackson and Hoback and Alpine, and the Airport and Town.
“The feasibility of peak summer season service between the Town and Grand Teton National Park will be tested through a pilot project coordinated with the Park, and summer service between the Town and Teton Village will be increased. By 2035, the speed of travel between the Town and Teton Village will be significantly enhanced by introduction of bus rapid transit service.”
—From Page 7 of the 2015 Integrated Transportation Plan
Start Bus Strategic Transit Plan Highlights
- Complete transit vehicle maintenance facility
- Increase commuter service and add local & express runs with stops in Wilson and South Park
- Increase summer service to Teton Village
- Initiate summer pilot service to Grand Teton National Park with a stop at Jackson Hole Airport
- Convert Teton Village route to BRT
- Streamline the town circulator route and increase service
- Expand the employer transit pass program
- Increase marketing of transit service
START Bus Route Structure
Commuter Routes
Longer routes that primarily serve people who work in Jackson or other areas of Teton County, but live outside the County (Star Valley and Teton Valley routes).
Corridor Routes
Medium distance routes that operate along high travel corridors connecting towns, communities and other destinations within Teton County (Teton Village Route).
Circulator Routes
Short distance routes that make frequent stops within a single town or community to provide local circulation and connections to corridor and commuter routes (Town Shuttle).
START Bus Route Maps and Schedules
The use of bicycles as an alternative means of transportation in Teton County is highly appropriate from late spring to early fall given the active nature of our resident population, the extensive bike path network, and the increasing popularity of e-bikes.
In addition, according to the ITP, a public bike share program would offer inexpensive, short-term access to bicycles to residents, employees, and visitors, and may help shift shorter trips from other modes to bicycling.
“Carpooling/Vanpooling Assistance and Promotion Encourage carpooling and vanpooling by providing preferential parking to participants, subsidizing the program cost, promoting a regional ride-matching program, and marketing the benefits to employees. The Transportation Demand Management (TDM) coordinator shall help employers set up vanpools and may contract with a private company to bring vanpool services to the employer base. The TDM Coordinator will implement a regional ride-matching program across multiple employers in order to take advantage of a larger pool of potential participants.”
—From Page 20 of the 2015 Integrated Transportation Plan
Car Share
“Car share could provide convenient, short-term car rentals as an alternative to individual car ownership for those not relying on their car to commute to work. Target users would include seasonal workers who arrive without a car, but also employers, who could substitute fleet vehicles with car share memberships.”
—From Page 22 of the 2015 Integrated Transportation Plan